Industrie grea, Agricultura & Industria auto
Ne plac motoarele si masinariile de orice tip, inovatiile din toate domeniile si procesele tehnologice avansate. Suntem curiosi sa intelegem cum functioneaza un rotator hidraulic (de exemplu) si dezmembram lejer un aparat de sudura care functioneaza pe baza de apa, reconstruindu-l ulterior virtual in asa fel incat sa fie pus in valoare.
Intotdeauna cautam sa ajungem in miezul lucrurilor, acolo unde gasim arta, poezia si frumosul. Iar daca nu, avem grija sa le cream.
Ok, recunoastem: suntem fascinati de tot ce pare la prima vedere inaccesibil, greu de inteles si imposibil de prezentat intr-un mod creativ. Poate si pentru ca ne ajuta studiile in inginerie si arhitectura, dar mai mult decat orice ne motiveaza satisfactia de a oferi neasteptatul chiar si clientilor care ne sunt alaturi de ani buni.
Si da, ne hranim din provocari!
De obicei, solutiile noastre includ:
Latest Work
Having worked together on many high-profile projects, like an image video for investors and shareholders, 3D Art Studio proved full understanding of our needs and great patience during the reviewing process. Creative, enthusiastic and reliable, 3D Art Studio have always delivered high-quality work being one of the very few agencies everyone in our office actually enjoys and appreciates working with on a regular basis in a convivial atmosphere.
All of our experience during our two-year collaboration with 3D Art Studio has been very positive. As you are attempting to identify an agency who can support your business with a full range of services, from design, printing, 3D modelling and rendering, video production, branded promotional gifts, I would suggest looking into their portfolio.
The 3D Art team was able to quickly understand the objectives and priorities of our company and make positive, quality contributions to the design, creation, and end result branding requests. The quality of their work was recognized and appreciated by other functional team members, clients, and public alike.